Kunming Singles Dating

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Feature Male Dating Members in Kunming



34 years old, Kunming, Yunnan, China

live today think about tomorrow im nice guy that spend his last 6 years in different part of the globe taking pictures and filming and study new culture love to enjoy new flavor of food(any…

safe mode avator


47 years old, Kunming, Yunnan, China

nice sexy guy i am nice sexy guy,very openminded, with power and romantic. seeking for friends who likes to share the sex with ,have alots experience in life. i am seeking for friends who are…



34 years old, Kunming, Yunnan, China

sunshine~~~~~~ Hi. well u can message me if u wanna find out something about me. I can be available anytime of day(night) to luv u all up. I'm pretty much laid back easy going fun…



31 years old, Kunming, Yunnan, China

I am a half vampire and half lycan Hi,girls.Do you interested me? If you do,please send a message to show me your email,because I don't wanna pay for this,so I can't reply you.Come on,beauty,I will…



32 years old, Kunming, Yunnan, China

<Pending Review> <Pending Review> <Pending Review>



38 years old, Kunming, Yunnan, China

me intr hehehehehe wo xiang jian ren ni ,dan shi bu zhidao zenme qu zhao ni ,suo yi wo xiang ni wo xiang jian ren ni ,dan shi bu zhidao zenme qu zhao ni ,suo…



34 years old, Kunming, Yunnan, China

Only you and me,OK? I want to meet some beautiful sexy and educated women to have fun at my sexual peak.I am a standard member so I can't send an email to you.So welcome to…