safe mode avator

Hootchiecoo4u 58 years old, Man, Live in Virginia

Hootchiecoo4u's First photo
Hootchiecoo4u's Second photo
Hootchiecoo4u's Third photo
Hootchiecoo4u's Fouth photo


Looking For
United States
Virginia, Charlottesville
Marital Status
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm
Body Type
Ask Me
Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

Papa was a rolling stone
I've gotten back into music and I'm moving back to Charlottesville from Crozet to pursue it. I also do a little photography and gas is too expensive to do much with it out there, I want to work for myself a little. I've stayed out of relationships for a long time because I like things simple, but I've changed, and it's time to get involved with someone again. I'm really looking for a committed relationship. I'm fun to be with and I'm outgoing and confident. I have a good sense of humor and I usually have a funny remark to at hand. I'm a good conversationalist and can handle myself in most company, although I don't like stuffy formal parties, I prefer more casual gatherings. I'm pretty good at playing the guitar and singing, and I've started to dabble in writing music. I came up with a little tune that's well received out here and I've emailed the lyrics around, and my friends want to hear it. That's another reason I'm moving. I have a little recorder to put stuff on myspace and facebook. So, off the C'ville I go to see what life brings.
I'm looking for a serious relationship actually. I'm looking for someone who is intelligent and reasonably attractive to kep me happy. I'd like to find someone with varied interests, but I want be able to do what they need to do to fulfill themselves, independent of whatever I'm into. A professional woman would be fine with me, particularly someone involved with science or medicine, as science has always been an interest of mine. But I want them to do what they want to do, not just exist to be my companion. I grew up with a family in the horse business working with my mother and sisters and around strong athletic competent women all my live, and know they can do anything a man can except when it comes to brute strength. That said, being a musician, a woman interested in the arts would be fine too. I just need an intelligent woman basically, not just a bump on a log. Pretty faces are a dime a dozen basically, there's more to life than that, but my partner