Boxertony 46岁, 男, 住在Northumberland


Northumberland, Cramlington
5 ft 6 in / 168-170 cm


Nice Genuine Honest Guy ! ! !
You must know straight away is that I am very down to earth straight forward type of bloke, I do not tell lies or tag people along, extremely extrovert and very direct approach to life. You get nothing if you do not ask that's what I stand by. I have had a lots of relationships over the years, which some of them have been a complete nightmare for my children and I. All but one have dumped me because I am too nice, I still do not know what you women mean by that that's probably why they keep doing it. I am well known to be a big softy, which many of my girl mates have a go at me all the time about it. It means the world to me when a girlfriend of mine is happy with me; I get great satisfaction from making my girlfriend the centre of the universe, if you know what I mean. I like to give compliments all the time; I am affectionate, romantic and loving. But I do not go overboard and make it clingy. I do understand when women say give me some space etc.
I want to meet a friend who I can share personal things with and for them not to be judgmental. I want go out for drinks together and have laugh, go away for weekends or holidays together. Staying at each other houses, having meals together. Gossiping and being bitchy behind people’s backs, all the normal chitchat.Obviously I would love to meet a potential girlfriend, someone who I find stunning. Girlfriend wise I am looking for a lady, who is feminine a girlie girl. Someone who is confident about themselves, someone who can go into a room and believe that they are best looking girl in that room. A girlfriend who is sarcastic and witty with it, a girlfriend who can put me in my place, who has got the gift of the gab. But when its more intimate, I would love a girl, who is soft like me, romantic and soppy, i.e. little love letters sent to each other etc., who has a very caring nature and just wants to be nice to me and to receive the same back. Contact me(Not a member)

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