Golyrut13 28 years old, Man, Live in California


Looking For
United States
California, Manteca
Marital Status
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm
Body Type
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About Me

Dont take life to serious no one gets out alive anyways
We'll I'm 22 and just out to enjoy and see what life has to offer me. I love riding motorcycles, yes I do own one. Camping hiking and the outdoors are some of my favorite things to do and just getting out and doing new things. I am and easy person to get along with but I do speak my mind when asked a question. I can talk for days about the most random things and I would love to meet a girl that does the same but I can have serious talks to. I am very truthful to a blunt most would say. I love to laugh and most would say I am a funny person. A huge fan of music and love going to shows. Last but not least I do enjoy just having thoughs days where you relax sit back and enjoy with friends with at home or out somewere.
If you want to know just ask I dont bite Unless you want me to. lol ok but serious im open to most girls but i do think looks matter to a point. Because it does say a lot about the persons personality, But agian the most inportant thing is the personality so if you want to know my type just ask.

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