ukvillafan 51歲, 男, 住在Liverpool


Liverpool, Liverpool
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


Mature, intellibent, experienced - what more do you need?
Mature and experienced man who can communicate. I am not young and slim, but I do have a brain that works and a body that (generally) does as it's asked, if a bit slower than it used to. But, hey, slow is good, right? I am not looking for a series of one night stands ... hell, who am I kidding, of course I would jump at the chance would I say no??!! .... as I do like to feel that there can be some semblance of communication and understanding. I am not the pushy type and I am clean, safe, respectable and discreet. I may not be young, but I do know who the Klaxons are and I was right at the front at the Reading festival watching Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly and Ash! And I am going again this year too! And to Glastonbury. And yes, i do have a beard but it is trimmed!!I am interesting, interested, genuine and, most importantly, available! Well, mostly.
Lively, intelligent woman with the ability to communicate and enjoy herself. I do not bring expectations to any meets and I am comfortable enough with myself to be able to walk away if nothing happens. I am a good friend too or not if you don't want!Otherwise, looking for someone who likes oral, receiving that is, but is not into head games of any other sort.I am not 22 and not built like a movie star, so if you are only into skinny young guys with no imagination, pass on by. However, if you want someone to lick you till you go crazy then get messaging now you know you want to!!Alternatively, if you want sexy, irreverent, mature, intelligent chat then that's me too.And look, I know you are all busy fending off the thousands of mails you get every day but 30 seconds for a polite no isn't asking too much, surely. I am not a gold member, you can send me a wink or hotlist me (i think) so at least I wil know there is life of sorts.

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