BradleyJames44 30 years old, Man, Live in California


Looking For
United States
California, Laguna Niguel
Marital Status
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm
Body Type
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About Me

Looking for some great sex...hoping for an amazing girl
Its difficult not to sound like an ass when you describe yourself...I am very active and fit, I'd like to think I am well spoken, I can have fun doing anything if I have good company with me, I try to treat everyone with respect and I love working towards my dreams.My hobbies include: playing guitar (shows are few and far between), surfing, snowboarding, working out, cooking, doing random errands with friends, and inspiring people who could use some inspiration in their lives.As for sex: I am really into pleasing my partner. I prefer long sessions of sex, but if the occassion calls for something else thats cool. I'll get about as wild as you want to, but nothing goes up my ass! Versatility is key: Getting rough is awesome, but there is a time and place for mellow sex, and everything in between.
Obviously, I would love to meet a gorgeous girl who wants to have lots of great sex...Someone who loves life...seriously though, most of us have it pretty damn good, so dont bitch about the stupid stuff. Just be real and I'll probably think you are really cool. Ideally, I want to find someone who is fun and sexy, and we treat each other well when we are with each other if it turns out to be more than that, great, but for the most part no real obligations. What else? Hopefully she has big dreams, I think most of us convince ourselves of our own dream big, know what you want out of life and go get it. Be passionate about something, life is way too cool to live vanilla.

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