jigsaw018 26歳, 男, Texasでの生活


Texas, League City
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


Loving Master seeking an Adoring Pet
I don't know if there's any one way to describe myself, sometime I can be very dark, other times I'm downright chipper. I usually tend to be rather witty and can usually make people laugh. I have an insane range of interests that spans from childish things I'm way too old for (action figures, stuffed toys), to dark disturbing things (certain types of movies, art, etc.) that many people I know cant stomach. You will almost ALWAYS find me with either a pencil/sketch pad or a video game controller in my hands. I LOVE doing arts/crafts/drawing and the like. Jhonen Vasquez is a genius. In general I'm a quiet but friendly type. Meaning I'm not the kind to start up conversations with new people, but once they get me going they usually find they like me quite a lot. As far as sexuality, I am very careful but once there is mutual trust I like for things to get wild. I am into the BDSM scene and I am a Dom.
Who I am looking for is "The One". the person that I can care about enough to want to be with my entire life, and who in turn wants to be mine and only mine. Preferably a nerdy girl who will enjoy the same things that I do. NO GROWNUPS ALLOWED! and no I dont mean that in an "illegal" way, I just mean that she must let her inner child control every aspect of her life. Being mature does not mean you have to stop enjoying toys and cartoons. But my girl would also have to be able to challenge my mind as well and be a pleasure to talk to. Simpletons and any of those "Woe Is Me" types need not apply. But most of all she must be trusting. Because if I decide that you are The One, and we are to be together, you will be asked or rather you will be INSTRUCTED to participate in things that can only occur if I have your trust. Steep requirements indeed. Are you up to the challenge?

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