turbobuggin 29歳, 男, Californiaでの生活


California, Redding
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm


From Nor-Cal to So-Cal adn everywhere else in between in between!
Alright, so I like to do things my way, that doesn't mean or the highway. I am very open minded and I'm not afraid to call someone dumb and ignorent, or completly wrong and stupid. I love my life and everything and one in it. I dabble in gourmet cooking and my friends could tell you I'm not too shabby. Always room for improvement I say. My life consists of trying to retire by the time I reach 30. Even though I am an aspiring percussionist(drummer) and I know my music and sound is revolutionary black metal blues rebirth that will surely skyrocket me into fame but, I have to be logical. So far to get there I have pursued realestate and business ideas and practices and am about to launch myself into early retirement(I hope) when the market comes around. As far as what I wanna do for the rest of my life. I wanna travel, settle down, and build hot rods and choppers for shows and magazines as a tax shelter. haha Other than that I will find any escuse to go out and have a good time, that is unless I don't want to, and I will become a hermit smoking the stuff my Dr. prescribes'. All in all though I don't have alot of time to hook up and date. I travel all over California looking at investment properties 1 week outta every month and it usually steers me in the direction of SoCal, so I basically combe the state 4 weeks. Maybe I might be able to hook up along the way. Just a testostarone filled American Dreamer, anything with a motor,rock n roll,money,a board, the outdoors
Fun, Sexy, Good hearted, head screwed on, drama free down ass woman preferbly around my age with her feet on the ground but her head in the cloud's(that doesn't mean taller either) someone independent enough to have a goal that they are atleast trying to achieve. Must be able to hike and not complain, that's my job. lol

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