Lets_Get_Lost 28歳, 男, Floridaでの生活


Florida, Port Richey
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm


Looking for a definitive great time, as well as the best kind of night you can imagine.
DiseaseFree. I am attending Berklee College of Music in the process of a degree in Music Performance. I don't let religion interfere with my life, A religion is a faithJUST that. I believe in god, and I also believe in not holding back from doing the things you love to do. I'm very outgoing and VERY passionate. I'm not Gay. I'm very well educated, and I strive for knowledge. I am very trustworthy, as my friends all know. Along with all of this is that I'm naive as well. Not to be taken lightly though, I'm not stupid, just naive. I also have a bit of dyslexia, but I catch myself almost every time. So there it is, I'm not Perfect, but I'm selfmotivated, and I'm a hard worker as well as a good social character with an open mind.I live by 3 things: Integrity, Honesty, Knowledge, and most importantly..Happiness. What's life without lot's of fun?
LOCAL. I like educated, good looking women who have active ambitions. I'm a VERY Sexual human being but I'm also looking for someone to spend "hangout" time with. Ok, If your favorite Muppet is Miss Piggy, there is a good chance that we just won't get along. Don't take that the wrong way; she just really annoys me. I guess the woman that I am looking for is somewhere between a thrillseeker and a couch potato. She's not shy to horse around with me, and will laugh when I say something unintentionally stupid. At the end of the day, I am just hoping to meet a girl who wants to become someone in life, is looking for more than just a date, and will sit on the couch and laugh at old Muppet DVDs or whatever is around to watch with me. I'm talking about the kind of woman who is very in touch with her sexual needs and wants, as well as someone I could possibly spend my best years with. If you're that girl, than message me and let's get lost together.Chris

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