kimff 28 years old, Man, Live in Queensland


Looking For
Queensland, Brisbane
Marital Status
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm
Body Type
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Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

Joe is sitting at a bar, staring at the sexy bartender. He slapped a ten on the table and says,
Am A CooL GuY StayinG AlonE aT mY HomE PlacE AnD CrazY AbouT CarS.., GirlSS..nD LovE tO DrivE I LovE tO MakE NeW FriendSS nD EnjoY mY selF WitH TheM.. FriendshiP iS RealY aN EnjoY MenT iN My LifE ItS NeedS EverY BodY.. I LovE MusicE MaY bE iN mY CaR oR aT mY PlacE.. i AllwaySS ThinK AbouT MakeinG NeW EventS tOO dO iT Is RealY A FuN.. LifE iS Shot BuT EnjoY eVerY ThinG WhaT EvEr MinD SaY !!!!!YoU KnoW BuT YoU ActinG LikE YoU Don.T KnoW !!!!!!!esS WiD BesT & DiE LikE ResT !!!!!nD I likE RoaMinG AroUnD & ParTinG WitH FriEnD.I lovE tO MakE GuD fRiEnDs.I luV MuSiC MaY Be iN mY cAr oR aT My HomE PlAcE.I luV tO ChAnGe My CaR AfTeR EvErY feW MoNthS AS BuYinG & ExPeRiaNcE dIFf. cArS Is My PaSSioN.I m CrAzY AbOuT GoInG uP hiLLs wITh mY gUd FriEnDs & lUv to dRivE mYseLF,oVEr aLL i M wEll BehAveE aNd A SofiSticAteD gUy HavInG gOOd SeNsE oF HuMoR!!!!!!Nd all m an easy going happy person. I work hard and play hard as I think I deserve this after a hard week at work. I enjoy going out for dinner or drinks. I also love going to the beach, camping and fishing. Im not after anything too serious at first so lets meet up and just see where it goes. I am a very affectionate person who loves lots of kissing. Im also looking to explore new exciting things and am quite curious and would like to try the sensual experience

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