BuzzR 66歳, 男, Chon Buriでの生活


Chon Buri, Pattaya


Worldly Adventurer seeks domestic adventure as well.
I am a somewhat extraverted retiree/Entrepreneur with a scholastic background of Engineering and International Business that currently resides in the country of Thailand (Pattaya Naklua). Although I have traveled the World extensively, I have loved the Asian cultures since I first stepped foot in Thailand during the Vietnam War days. I have also held private Executive positions in Management in such countries and Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Singapore.I tend to like to have a good time so to prevent that fact from dominating my future, I do plan on doing a business in the Kingdom of Thailand to keep me intellectually sharp and not a lazy or "drunkin" beach bum. I work out at the gym on a daily basis so I am very physically fit. My hobbies are Harley Motorcycles, Gourmet cooking and meat processing, weight training, swimming, scuba diving. I might have added "drinking beer" but that is more of a "vice" than a hobby. I grew up in Illinois and Wisconsin in the USA and attended the University of Wisconsin where Beer is King so it is kind of hard not to enjoy a beer as also half my ancestory is of german decent. The other two quarters are French and Polish. What can I say, "American's are basically made up of every nationality in the global community and my ancestors were into beer and sausage.
The ladies I am interested in are well educated, fun loving and somewhat "Cheeky" as at times I can take life too seriously and need a counterbalance to that trait. They must have a great sense of humor and are basically up for anything. Spontaneity is one of my private personal traits other than for business as I tend to be methodical for good reason. Thus a lady with a quick wit and sharp mind is a turn on. I am also into a woman that is somewhat attractive and physically fit and dresses like a woman should ( I will leave that last statement open to interpretation). All will say in that regard is most attractive and physically fit Asian ladies

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