KOFYYourik 36 years old, Man, Live in California


Looking For
United States
California, Escondido
Marital Status
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm
Body Type
Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

And you thought erotic exploration couldn't get anymore sensual!
Ok lets see... The name is Lucas! I'm 30 years off my rocker AND PROUD OF IT!!!! LOL! Well my fine feathered friends what can I say? l likes me this little thing here we got going on here right here we so commonly refer to as LIFE!!! people say that I'm intellectually inclined... but I say that dew to an over active curiosity of, well... just about everything I'm just vary observant of the goings ons around me! But when it comes to the things that TRULY interest me I can't help but explore every aspect of it to its fullest. And lets just say that the minds and bodies of WOMAN tend to interest me to no end!And because of this sensually erotic curiosity I have of the potential heights at witch these mutable pleasurable extremes the human mind and body have the possibly of reaching! Thus far Ive lived my life to it's fullest as best as I know how. So... What say you in joining me in this life long quest of pursuing the ultimate possible heights of pleasure ever known?!?! If you want to know anything other then that just ask!!
I tend to be drawn toward such personality traits that Include (But aren't limited to,) Woman that are easy going, smart, A touch cynical on the humorous side but at the same time you need to be able to hold REAL conversations both intellectual and heartfelt! And if by chance things do become Intimate it's a must that you know about the meaning of touch and the power it can hold! I Love the feeling of being touched by someone that knows HOW to touch but at the same time can withstand becoming to clingy to soon! And most importantly, above everything else, the first and foremost thing is that you know how to be an INDIVIDUAL!! And to all of you that hide behind 'The Shadow Mask' You know who you are! You don't like to be in the spot light, you like to hide from everybody and just be alone, you think you put yourself in this position with your own will but the truth is that people made you go there, you don't trust people any more,

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