moga82 33岁, 男, 住在HaMerkaz


HaMerkaz, Hadid
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


hi horny wet
am a good man looking for a bad girl I hope you like laughing and doing silly things as well as getting out there and going for a day or weekend hike, playing tennis, kayaking, possibly even fishing?, going to the beach or the mountains..just getting out and being in the outdoors! Cuddling up for a movie or just because there's a storm outside and we felt like watching it with only candles lit. I like to make people laugh so hard they pee themselves (kidding! please don't pee on my seat!)as well as surprising them with a simple little thank you note...i could go on but you would really have to know me to be able to describe me as i have many facets.(not to be read as multiple personalities lol) I prefer to give then to receive, to help then to hurt, to love then to hate, to smile then to frown, to talk then then argue..Romantic yet silly and very passionate! Want to know more?
horny and horny and wet pussy horny I like a fun loving lady who has a mind of her own who can kick back and enjoy life or jump right in and make life happen. Sweet yet strong,loving yet a little spitfire! I want a woman who has plenty of personality as attraction is in the mind for me however eyes,lips and body language attract me alomost as much! After that it's all about the kiss because with a great kiss..OMG! I dislike pushy people as i'm stubborn,ask and ye may receive,demand and watch my bubble butt as i walk away. Entice me and i'm easy, force me and the Taurean stubborness will not budge. I could go on about what i like and dislike but what matters most to me is honesty,loyalty and friendship. Humor is a must!...The crazier the better in that sense! I'm looking for a friend,a good friend.One to get closer with on every level, so close we become one. A team that works together to make a happier life.

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