dormamoo 38歳, 男, Oklahomaでの生活


Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
6 ft 1 in / 186-188 cm


ok so i'm a fun train wreck....
odd very very odd...i live a life of wonder... i wonder if the physics text books i keep finding belong to my dog and what he's up to....i wonder why albinos go snow boarding....i wonder why watching pigmes dance on the discovery channel makes me think of the charlie brown theme song..... hummm....on to the wild naked monkey dance...i do have a penis ...i think its nice and 3 more payments and it's mine and i can drop the insurence on it to accidental injury only (wow that sounded bad)sorry no pictures of it...they say the camera adds 10 lbs and i don't want you to feel cheated if this pans out...i am a cuddler and i also enjoy sticking my finger in bellybuttons ....its the fastest way to make sure your a real person ....and if i untie your bellybutton and your ass falls off and i find out your 2 midgets in a cute chick suit i may be pissed....or i may go cool midgets..depends on how i feel that day..
i'm looking for someone who likes walks on the beach,cuddling on the couch and watching meg ryan films and talking about our feelings over alittle candle light and wine...and then i want that someone to point me to their messed up friend so i'll have someone to point at the blind and laff at the deaf with you know your one friend you keep away from the rest of your friends..the kinda gal that knows why a hello kitty sticker on a chainsaw is funny..i don't need much just a nice tattooed girl with pigtails and a small collection ofzombie movies thats not going to ask me to leave my girlfriend....anyone thats ok with this so far should get ahold of me and be ready to submit blueprints for a device that makes a nonflying squirrel fly roughly 400 ft... THE PAPERBOY MUST LEARN!!!... extra points if it can be made out of the contents of your left shoe...i also think you having 3 friends that don't like me and think you can do better...would be awesome...i'm also looking for peanut butter that doesn't make my ass look fat and my car keys...

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