megamanrulesall 29岁, 男, 住在California


California, San Gabriel
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


A guy who is pansexual.....
I am male, 23 years of age, approximatly 220 to 230lbs, in my mind I think of myself to be "fat" especially due to at some times way back in school being teased as "being pregnant", but whatever.I consider myself to be pansexual, as there are those in this world who may not fit into the gender binary of male/female. Those who say, might be considered intersexed, be it physically or say, maybe feel like in the "wrong physical body".It is why I do my best to not let ones physical appearance interfere with my ability to try and get to know a person from the inside as in personality.I am a virgin still, and as such have no STDs or anything. But at the same time I would need direction or maybe even being "ordered" what to do.PLease, only people who are STD free I would probably be willing to have sex with. BUt I don't mind being friends on a non sexual manner with those who might have something ok?I am kinda laid back and carefree. At times I fantasize about those who might be called "shemales" say on each end of me and stuff. ^^; Strapons would also be quite awesome too in my mind.I am open to try most things sexual, but would prefer nothing really involving pain or stuff like that. IN that aspect meaning more like say stuff of a domination aspect. Feel free to talk to me if you want. I enjoy making new friends. ^^I also experiment with photography and even at times with back massages. THose I have given seem to think I do an EXCELLENT job. ^^ Hope to talk soon
Not sure what to put in these. Maybe I am looking for a person who is openminded, open to new things, even with one as "inexperianced" as me. I am one who enjoys video games, computer stuffs, anime and manga. A stereotypical "geek/nerd" I suppose. Male, female, or those who are ones who don't fit into either one are all ones I don't mind to be with, be it as friends or more.I tend to see things in a rather "unique" way and many times see things from multiple viewpoints. This can at times make it hard for me to make choices or say ev

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